If You Answer ‘Yes’
To Any Of These, You Need VidTags
Ever Tried To Find Something In A Long Video?
Well, your viewers are having the same issue with your content. If you switch to VidTags today they’ll stop skimming through your long video timelines! The VidTags Interactive Actionable Table Of Contents (iAToC) will contextualize all of the content in your video (audio) and let them click to watch specific segments.
…Now watch your conversion, engagements & sales of the roof.

Do Your Customers Or Viewers Speak Other Languages?
Instantly translate your video content to 57 languages so your viewers can watch along in their native tongue. (Built-in Multi-Language player supported).
Have Videos That Don’t Get Used That Are Collecting Virtual Dust On Your Hard Drive?
The VidTags clickable, timestamped segments make it easy for your audience to find, watch, and even share the best parts of your video, so you can bring all that old content back from the dead.

As a course creator or corporate trainer, how many times does your student come back to ask questions you’ve already covered in your videos?
There’s nothing worse than having to repeat something over and over again… Now your students can easily search through your Interactive Table of Contents to find EXACTLY what they’re looking for.
Want your videos to get found by more people?
The VidTags player creates optimized content from your video that gets indexed in the search engines giving you FREE traffic and more views.

Is your traffic leaking or getting redirected by hosting on 3rd party sites like YouTube?
Keep 100% control of your videos and eliminate outside commercials, ads, and unmoderated comments that are sucking up your traffic.
If You Answer ‘Yes’
To Any Of These, You Need VidTags

Ever Tried To Find Something In A Long Video?
Well, your viewers are having the same issue with your content. If you switch to VidTags today they’ll stop skimming through your long video timelines! The VidTags Interactive Actionable Table Of Contents (iAToC) will contextualize all of the content in your video (audio) and let them click to watch specific segments.
…Now watch your conversion, engagements & sales of the roof.

Do Your Customers Or Viewers Speak Other Languages?
Instantly translate your video content to 57 languages so your viewers can watch along in their native tongue. (Built-in Multi-Language player supported).

Have Videos That Don’t Get Used That Are Collecting Virtual Dust On Your Hard Drive?
The VidTags clickable, timestamped segments make it easy for your audience to find, watch, and even share the best parts of your video, so you can bring all that old content back from the dead.

As a course creator or corporate trainer, how many times does your student come back to ask questions you’ve already covered in your videos?
There’s nothing worse than having to repeat something over and over again… Now your students can easily search through your Interactive Table of Contents to find EXACTLY what they’re looking for.

Want your videos to get found by more people?
The VidTags player creates optimized content from your video that gets indexed in the search engines giving you FREE traffic and more views.

Is your traffic leaking or getting redirected by hosting on 3rd party sites like YouTube?
Keep 100% control of your videos and eliminate outside commercials, ads, and unmoderated comments that are sucking up your traffic.
Sign up for a VidTags account!
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