VidTags Is An AI-Powered Interactive
Video And Audio Hosting Platform

That Makes Navigating, Deep Tagging, Searching,
Transcribing, And Translating Your
Video/Audio Contents Super Easy & Accurate.

In 2024 nobody wants to sit and watch 20 or 60 minutes long videos
just to find out 1 or 2 things they might be interested in…
This is why VidTags is created!

How Does This AI Powered Video Hosting
Work In a Nutshell?

You simply upload or copy and paste the URL of any online video (or audio) and VidTags will automatically generate transcripts, then create an Interactive Actionable Table of Contents (iAToC) by understanding the context of the conversations in the video, while adding ‘Deep Tags’ to each segment in the iAToC.

Now, with this new content, you can translate and render it into 57 different languages.

Plus it gets hosted for you to prevent all the distractions and commercialization you get from other video hosting services, like YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Here’s What VidTags
Will Do For You & Clients Business

All-in-one recording that runs in your browser, you can start recording videos right away without the need to download.

Increase video views, boost video watch time and retention, and improve engagement for better overall results.

Search, watch and share your online videos with VidTags faster and easier than ever before.

With a few clicks, VidTags will automatically translate your video or audio into several languages.

Index, organize and create an interactive actionable table of content (iAToC)
for every segment and talking point of your entire video or audio library in minutes.

Viewers can search your video timestamp or skim your table of contents to find the topics that are most relevant to them which means they stay engaged longer and take action.

All your video content is automatically indexed and searchable across the web for FREE traffic without lifting a finger.

Lightning-fast video and audio hosting is included at no additional cost.

Real-time analytics about who is watching your videos, where they’re from, and how long they are watching.

Video quality is stunning and there are no delays or buffering so the end-user experience is excellent.

Translates your video or audio files into 57+ languages with the click of your mouse.

Features an intuitive & interactive dashboard and there’s no technical skills or coding required.

Import videos from Zoom sections, YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Dropbox, Google Drive, any URL or from your computer.

Transcribe and make your videos searchable with the click of your mouse.

Generate AI-powered audio from text or a blog post and make it searchable.

1-click video sharing to Facebook, Twitter, email, Reddit, and more for FREE viral traffic.

Sign up for a VidTags account!

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